
Beis Shmuel Tzvi is an Orthodox Jewish, nusach S’fard, shul within the Passaic/Clifton community which offers a full range of religious, spiritual, social and educational needs for a diverse membership of all ages.

We have daily davening in our shul, and shiurim for men, women and children. We have a fully stocked Beis Medrash with shiurim/sedarim in the mornings and evenings.

We service a growing community of young families, established families and retirees.

Our Shul prides itself in being warm and inclusive, a place where everyone – men, women, and children feel at home. Some of the special programming that we offer include:
-Shiurim and learning opportunities throughout the year focusing on a diversity of topics, such as Nesivos Shalom, Shovavim shiurim, pre-yom tov shiurim, daf yomi, daily sedarim, Shavuos learning.
-N’shei events and shiurim throughout the year including,
a Chanukah party, pre-Shavuos cheesecake, and more.
-For children we offer Likras Shabbos, Ne’emas Hatorah, and more.
-A weekly Kiddush provides a tremendous opportunity for members
to catch up with friends, stay current on various life events, meet new people, and create meaningful connections with people whom they would ordinarily not have a chance to see during the week.


Beis Shmuel Tzvi was founded as Khal Yereim in 2010/5771 by Rav Shmuel Berkovicz Zt”l and a small chevra that were seeking a warm, heimeshe place to daven. The shul quickly grew, thanks to the warmth and kindness of the Rov. After growing out of our intial location pretty quickly, we moved to our current location, where we continue to expand in membership and grow b’ruchniyus. In 2021/5781, under the current leadership of Rav M.M.Y. Grunfeld shlit”a, the name of the shul was changed to Beis Shmuel Tzvi to forever cement the legacy that the Rov zt”l left us. Yehi Zichro Boruch