
As we embark on the 11th year of our Adopt-a-Kollel Partnership, we’re reminded of the powerful legacy left by the Novominsker Rebbe ZT”L and the Gedolim who inspired this initiative, including the Rov ZT”L, whom we were zoche to hear personally encouraging this noble endeavor. Our Shul has the privilege of supporting a remarkable Kollel in Ashkelon, a beacon of Torah in a challenging region.

Together, we’re building a future of Torah. Over the past decade, our partnership has flourished, nurturing a vibrant community of dedicated yungeleit. Your continued support is essential to sustaining this vital work.

We invite you to consider increasing your monthly pledge for this year. The challenges facing our world today make the work of the Kollel even more critical. By increasing your pledge, you can help ensure that these dedicated yungeleit continue to have the resources they need to focus on their Avodas Hakodesh.

Many of our members have already increased their pledges. Inspired by the profound impact of this partnership, they’ve recognized the opportunity to make an even greater difference.

Please use this link or the form above to set up a monthly commitment.

To make a one-time payment please use this link

For any questions about the Adapt-A-Kollel program please send an email to